Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023)
Case Report

A clinical case of aggression in an elderly dog

Published 2024-07-25


  • aggression,
  • dog,
  • elderly,
  • pain,
  • gabapentin,
  • canine cognitive disfunction
  • ...More


A 14-year-old male mongrel dog was examined due to his aggressive behavior. Adopted as a puppy by his current family, he underwent surgery shortly after for bilateral hip dysplasia. At the age of 5 years, he underwent surgery for a thoracolumbar hernia, followed by a period of hospitalization and physical therapy. A diagnosis of pain aggression, exacerbated by cognitive dysfunction syndrome was formulated. For the treatment of pain related to osteoarthritis Librela® and Alevica® were used. Gabapentin (10 mg/kg BID) was chosen as pharmacological therapy. The behavioral therapy was focused on understanding the dog's needs. Physiotherapy sessions were conducted on a weekly basis. After the first three physiotherapy sessions, the dog appeared decidedly more at ease. The dog's problem was initially linked to severe physical pain, exacerbated by a gradual worsening of the cognitive dysfunction syndrome which made him very irritable and by a misunderstanding of his needs on the part of the owner. Once the pain problem was resolved, it became easier to work on building trust with the owner, who understood dog's real discomfort and tried to become a safe guide, providing him with the tools to deal with new situations such as physiotherapy.