V. 5 N. 2 (2019)
Short Communication

Separation related disorders in Poodles

Pubblicato 2019-12-18


Aim of this study was to verify the incidence of Separation Related Disorder in Miniature and Toy Poodles. A questionnaire was used, divided into three sections: the first concerning the personal data of the owner, the second the dog (age, sex, castration and date of acquisition) and the last one intended to analyze the behavior of the animal.

Questionnaires received were 227, of which 124 males (17 castrated) and 103 females (34 neutered). Among the owners, 44.49% of them believed their animals (n = 101) experience SRD. The statistical analysis revealed no significant differences between the two sexes of animals, with an incidence of separation problems of 41.7% among the males and 46.8% among the females (X2 = 0.576; n.s.)

The most common behaviors encountered during periods of loneliness by animals showing SRD were vocalizations (76.24%), destruction (28.71%), inappropriate eliminations (16.83%), loss of appetite (12.87%) and finally excessive salivation (11.88%).

Vocalizations (♀ 86.0% vs ♂ 69.0%; Χ2 = 3.977; p = 0.047) and excessive salivation (♀ 17.2% vs ♂ 4.7%; X2 = 3.793; p = 0.05) were more statistically presented by females than males.

These data represent a first analysis of the incidence of Separation Related Disorder in Miniature and Toy Poodle. The great percentage of owners (44%) who said that their animals show discomfort when being alone at home permit to suppose that this breed is particularly predisposed to live the periods of loneliness with difficulty.