V. 2 N. 3 (2016)

Canine Science Forum 2016 – Oral and poster presentations (revised)

Pubblicato 2016-12-22


Table of Contents   

p. s6    - O1 - Global motion detection in dogs (canis familiaris)
    p. s7    - O2 - Dogs´ discrimination of human selfish and generous attitudes: a comparison of family dogs, shelter dogs and puppies
    p. s8    - O3 - Human autism gene associated with dog-human communication and sociality in dogs
    p. s9    - O4 - How can we test canine olfactory capacity? Comparing dog breeds and wolves in a natural detection task
    p. s10    - O5 - Functional understanding of emotional expressions in domestic dogs
    p. s11    - O6 - Differences in behavioral flexibility between long-term dog owners, dog adopters, and dog relinquishers
    p. s12    - O7 - Unconditioned anxiety in domestic dogs with or without behavior problems
    p. s13    - O8 - Playful activities post-learning improve memory consolidation in labrador retriever dogs (canis lupus familiaris)
    p. s14    - O9 - Neural mechanisms for verbal praise processing in dogs
    p. s15    - O11 - Fellow human? Fellow dog?
Pet dogs’ relationships with their owner and with dogs living in the same household
    p. s16    - O12 - The effects of sex and gonadectomy on a spatial navigation task in dogs
    p. s17    - O13 - Risk factors associated with human directed aggressive behavior and dog bites
    p. s18    - O15 - Non-linear phenomena in dog whines as potential indicators of separation anxiety
    p. s19    - O16 - Understanding dog-dog interactions: if experience doesn’t count, what does?
    p. s20    - O17 - Aging of attentiveness in pet dogs: does training make a difference?
    p. s21    - O18 - Comparison of effects of companion dogs and service dogs on quality of life
in people with movement disorders
    p. s22    - O19 - Comparing incidence and impact of health and behavior issues
in an ageing population of working guide dogs
    p. s23    - O20 - Indirect reciprocity in working dogs
    p. s24    - O21 - Puppy and adult dog personality
    p. s25    - O22 - Similarities and differences between dog- and infant-directed speech
    p. s26    - O23 - Tracking of wild wolves using passive acoustic monitoring
    p. s27    - O24 - The social behavior of neutered male dogs compared to intact dogs
(canis lupus familiaris). Video analyses, questionnaires and case studies
    p. s28    - O25 - Inhibitory control in dogs: what are we actually measuring?
    p. s29    - O26 - Owner interaction style affects dog physiology during a staged threat
    p. s30    - O27 - What does my dog understand about me?
    p. s31    - O28 - Breed differences in dog behavior co-vary with genetic relationships between breeds
    p. s32    - O29 - Dietary study of free-ranging dogs in rural Zimbabwe
    p. s33    - O30 - Owner adult attachment style and the responses of dogs to challenging situations
    p. s34    - O31 - The vidopet – a reliable and valid assessment of personality in pet dogs
    p. s35    - O32 - Investigating the link between laterality and personality traits in dogs
    p. s39    - P01 - The domestication from the wolf to the dog is based on coevolution.
The evolutionary continuity of the brain enabled both to social contact and empathy
    p. s40    - P02 - Moving on: animal ethics in the dog-human society
    p. s41    - P03 - Reverse canine susceptibility to the Ebbinghaus-Titchener illusion
    p. s42    - P04 - Factors effecting police dog performance
    p. s43    - P05 - Livestock guarding dogs (lgds) in Finnish and Estonian archipelago and coastal areas: multi-role of damage prevention methods
    p. s44    - P08 - Biopsychosocial characteristics which may predict conservation
scent detection dog success
    p. s45    - P09 - Dogs know skill levels of humans
    p. s46    - P10 - A comparison of two paradigms for assessing prosocial tendencies in pet dogs
    p. s47    - P11 - Emotional contagion in dogs (canis familiaris) to sounds of humans and conspecifics
    p. s48    - P12 - The influence of age, breed, sex and previous experience on discrimination learning & inference by exclusion in pet dogs
    p. s49    - P14 - Identifying and interpreting scats of sympatric canids in Australia
    p. s50    - P15 - Genetic differentiation between dog breeds and breed varieties
    p. s51    - P16 - Recognizing emotions in vocal communication, between dogs and humans
    p. s52    - P17 - Dangerous dogs? Impulsivity in the Brazilian mastiff (fila brasileiro)
    p. s53    - P19 - What “counts” for dogs in a food choice task?
    p. s54    - P20 - Comparison of socio-cognitive skills among assisted therapy dogs and pet dogs
    p. s55    - P21 - Child-family dog interactions in children up to six years and caregivers’ attitudes to supervision
    p. s56    - P22 - Do dogs recognize intention and goal of humans?
    p. s57    - P23 - Size discrimination in domestic dogs
    p. s58    - P24 - Psichiatric patients as randagiamotm volunteers improve
the quality of life of shelter’s dogs
    p. s59    - P25 - Dog-handler dynamics influence avalanche search team’s performance
    p. s60    - P26 - Intraspecific attachment in dogs: is the mother always the mother?
    p. s61    - P27 - Six in-depth case studies of unsuccessful guide dog partnerships
    p. s62    - P28 - Similar recent selection criteria caused different behavioral effects
within golden and labrador retriever dogs
    p. s63    - P29 - A review of assistance dog effectiveness and implications for animal welfare
    p. s64    - P31 - Age, excitability and speed: automated measurements
of behaviour traits in ageing research
    p. s65    - P32 - Canine olfactory detection of lung cancer in human urine:
a step forward in dog learning and training
    p. s66    - P33 - Estimation of dog’s olfactory detection threshold
using spontaneous sniffing behavior
    p. s67    - P34 - An analysis of the cognitive structure of dogs: age, sex and training effects
    p. s68    - P35 - Perception of animacy in dogs (canis familiaris)
    p. s69    - P36 - A multivariate analysis of behavioural signs of separation-related problems in dogs
    p. s70    - P37 - Characterization of tail movement in domestic dogs
    p. s71    - P38 - Influence of emotional cues on social learning in domestic dogs:
preliminary results
    p. s72    - P39 - Dominance relationships and its correlates in a captive family pack of arctic wolves
    p. s73    - P40 - Quantifying the dog-human bond: patterns of behavior towards owners
and strangers across a standardized test sequence
    p. s74    - P41 - Motion prediction in dogs
    p. s75    - P42 - Do livestock guardings dogs frighten wolves?
    p. s76    - P43 - Pet dogs but not shelter dogs present social referencing with their handlers
    p. s77    - P44 - How do dog brains process live human faces and face images:
two visual fmri experiments
    p. s78    - P45 - A qualitative study on the impact of premature retirement of guide dogs on owners
    p. s79    - P46 - Evidence for sychronization of stress hormones in owners and dogs during the strange situation test
    p. s80    - P47 - The Dog Aging Project: Rapamycin as a potential aging modulator in dogs
    p. s81    - P49 - Identification of fear behaviors shown by puppies in response to novel objects
    p. s82    - P50 - Dog lover dedication: the good, the bad and the true love ways
of the human-canine relationship
    p. s83    - P51 - Comparing motor bias in dogs and humans
    p. s84    - P52 - Investigating empathy-like responding to conspecifics’ distress in pet dogs
    p. s85    - P53 - Analysis of correlations between early socialization and aggression in the dog
    p. s86    - P54 - Remote thermographic monitoring of ear temperature
in relation to separation stress in dogs
    p. s87    - P55 - Training dogs for accurate eye-tracking
    p. s88    - P56 - Recognition of live human faces by pet dogs
    p. s89    - P57 - The aims of pre-adoption dog assessments conducted
by rehoming organizations in the UK and US
    p. s90    - P58 - The effect of reward-handler dissociation on dogs’ obedience performance
in different conditions
    p. s91    - P59 - The function of opponents and bystander post-conflict affiliative interactions
in a captive family pack of arctic wolves
    p. s92    - P60 - Do free-ranging and pet dogs differ in their problem-solving abilities
and human-directed behaviour?
    p. s93    - P62 - Who will be my helper?
    p. s94    - P63 - Attribution of emotion to dogs
    p. s95    - P64 - Use of preference assessments and structured potential adopter-dog interactions increases adoptions
    p. s96    - P65 - Breed differences in canine aggression - Survey
    p. s97    - P66 - Do owner’s gender influence the referential communication in dogs?
    p. s98    - P67 - Misinterpretation of canine posture in a vase of the amasis painter
    p. s99    - P68 - Reasons for relinquishment of dogs to the municipal dog shelter of Rome
    p. s100    - P69 - Personality traits that emerge in ten popular dog breeds in Italy
    p. s101    - P70 - Metabolic factors, rather than nonselective food intake might affect obesity in dogs
    p. s102    - P71 - Owner evaluations of dog personality and behaviour are associated with breed group, but not with two oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms
    p. s103    - P72 - Positive and negative social experience modulates sleep macrostructure in dogs
    p. s104    - P73 - The effect of oxytocin on social responsiveness in a ‘cooperative’
and an ‘independent worker’ dog breed
    p. s105    - P74 - Moderator dogs in modulation of canine behavioral problems
    p. s106    - P75 - Comparing playful and aggressive interactions
in pack-living captive wolves (canis lupus)
    p. s107    - P76 - Dogs’ activities and behavior problems: a comparison between Italy and Brazil
    p. s108    - P77 - Could timber wolves benefit from training interactions
with humans as much as dogs?
    p. s109    - P78 - Italian pointing dogs and the other pointing dog breeds: are there behavioral differences?
    p. s110    - P79 - Dogs’ responses to different approach modalities performed by a male stranger
    p. s111    - P80 - Do all pack-hunting canids need to be large and hypercarnivorous?
    p. s112    - P81 - Nasal oxytocin administration enhances gazing at eyes of smiling humans in domestic dogs – preliminary results
    p. s113    - P82 - Motor laterality in domestic dogs: does the familiarity with the handler influence the paw preference?
    p. s114    - P83 - Does socio-ecology drive differences between wolves and dog in alertness during rest/sleep?
    p. s115    - P84 - Diversifying selection between free-breeding and pure-breed dogs at a functional gene
    p. s116    - P86 - Do you believe in dog: exploring non-traditional science communication platforms
    p. s117    - P87 - What’s in a name? Understanding the power of breed labels in animal shelters
    p. s118    - P88 - Dogs obey better to gestural than vocal stimuli by strangers
    p. s119    - P89 - Sex differences in the acquisition of spatial information from human demonstrators by dogs
    p. s120    - P90 - Dogs’ tv watching behavior may predict their communication ability with human: more poodles watch tv than chihuahuas or miniature dachshunds
    p. s121    - P91 - The role of previous experiences with humans in inhibitory control of domestic dogs (canis familiaris)
    p. s122    - P92 - Relationship between temperament and vulnerability to diseases in shelter dogs
    p. s123    - P93 - What eye-tracking reveals about dog’s perception and understanding of humans
    p. s124    - P94 - The need for socialization of captive wolves:
understanding human-animal relationships
    p. s125    - P95 - The randagiamotm program increases sociability in shelter’s dogs