Dog attention and cooperation with the owner: preliminary results about brachycephalic dogs Angelo Gazzano, Claudio Lauria, Michele Ducci, Claudio Sighieri 1-7 PDF (English)
Evaluation of dog welfare before and after a professional grooming session Chiara Mariti, Scighei Bein 8-15 PDF (English)
Assessing adoptability in shelter dogs through a behavioral test Marcella Zilocchi, Asahi Ogi, Marco Bedini, Manuel Mengoli 16-22 PDF (English)
Maternal behaviour in domestic dogs: a comparison between primiparous and multiparous dogs Giovanna Guardini, Jon Bowen, Silvia Raviglione, Roberta Farina, Angelo Gazzano 22-33 PDF (English)
Level of anxiety and perception of dog stress in human mothers and non-mothers Beatrice Carlone, Rita Sechi, Serena Napoli, Chiara Mariti 34-42 PDF (English)