V. 9 N. 3 (2023)
Short Communication

Analysis of the management of a shelter dog kennel

Valentina Gazzano
Università di Pisa

Pubblicato 2024-08-29


In Italy a law (n° 281/91) requires that stray and ownerless dogs can no longer be put down and mandates the creation of kennels, public or private, where these animals are housed while awaiting adoption.

Therefore, it is important to study the management of kennels and evaluate the different factors that can influence dog adoptions. For this research, the management of a medium-sized shelter kennel, located in Lucca (Italy), and managed by a social service cooperative, was evaluated. The years 2021, 2022 and 2023 were examined, and data were obtained from the kennel management registers. In 2022, a greater average number of dogs were present in the kennel (n° 58.00 ± 8.19 S.D.) than in 2021 (n° 63.58 ± 1.24 S.D.) and 2023 (n° 55.00 ± 3.27 S.D.). Regarding the animals adopted during these three years, there were 86 adoptions. The majority of adoptions involved young animals under 5 years of age (70% of total adoptions). In 2013, 63% of females housed in the kennels were adopted, compared to 33% of males; moreover, 14 black dogs were adopted (16% of the total), followed by dogs with black and tan coats and black and white coats. Finally, 60% of adopted dogs spent up to 75 days in the shelter.