Does the sex of the search and rescue (SAR) dog handler affect the work of the rescue team? Justyna Wojtaś, Damian Zieliński, Mirosław Karpiński 23-32 PDF (English)
Street dogs opt for proteins over carbs: An experimental inference from streets of Kathmandu Binod Bhattarai, Saroj Shrestha, Laxman Khanal PDF (English)
Stress at rest in working dogs assessed with infrared thermography Ester Bartolome, Davinia Isabel Perdomo-González, María José Sánchez-Guerrero, Mercedes Valera 13-21 PDF (English)
Stress assessment of co-therapist dogs in animal assisted interventions: a review Laura Ceglia 39-54 PDF (English)
Symptomatic Hyperthiroidism associated with Carcinoma in a Dog Clara Tullio, Stefania Uccheddu PDF (English)